Thursday, July 18, 2013
Let the adventures begin
I’ve been unemployed in Toronto for 6 weeks now, and I’ve figured out how to fill my time.
A few weeks ago, it felt like I’d be wallowing in profound homesickness for the rest of my life. Back home I’d found my favorite yoga studio of all time, a vibrant music community, and had started building closer relationships with family members. Things seemed better than ever when I left, so naturally I’ve felt some grief. But sadness will only grow if you feed it, so I chose to distract myself by finding some good things here. And as it turns out, that's incredibly easy. Last week, upon returning from a week visiting friends and family, I delved into some new activities.
Thursday: Ecstatic dance night with friends
Friday: Sleeping off a cold, cooking, chores. Checked out a music festival downtown with Sean (transit time: 1 hour). Watched university fashion students doing a random catwalk practice after crowd dispersed.
Saturday: St. Lawrence Farmer’s Market, solo, since Sean works this weekend. Rescued an inchworm stuck to a raspberry by placing it (raspberry and all) in a flower planter. Evening: Sean drove us to friend’s house in the “country” (Markham) where we enjoyed live music, bonfire and conversation.
Sunday: Checked out UU church, met choir director and a few other folks.
Monday: potluck at a friend’s house, where we ran into a half dozen people we knew (yay!).
As you can see, there’s plenty to do in Toronto. So while I accept (despite anyone’s well-meaning opinion), that I’ve lost something by leaving the place where I first laid down roots, it would be an understatement to say that Toronto compensates for my loss. There are 10-12 festivals every single summer weekend, 3 ecstatic dance nights a week (to my knowledge), farmer’s markets everywhere (to the tune of having one at the local shopping mall), and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Living in a city like Toronto is the kind of thing that could change you. I already feel myself becoming more optimistic, more interested in things, maybe a little more bold. Could it be because I live in one of the safest, most beautifully diverse cities in the world? Could it be the opportunities and capital out there calling my entrepreneurial spirit forth? Could it be that I’m in love and feel grounded and supported?
Let the adventures begin.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Looking through Photos
Over the past 7 years I’ve been quite transitory. I returned
from a bit of soul-drifting in northern Idaho
to start grad school in Kent,
Ohio, where I rented a rambling
split-level with 2 other students. In spring 2010 followed my first job to a
brick cabin in Wooster, Ohio,
where I experienced rural Ohio-
the good, the gutsy, and the ugly. In fall of 2012, missing my family and feeling
more and more connected to friends in Akron, I
moved in with a friend near Akron’s Cuyahoga Valley. Just a month after that move,
Sean proposed to me and I realized I’d be moving again- this time, all the way
to Toronto,
where I’ve now at last come to roost.
All that moving has worn me out, and I’m at a point where I’d
be willing to stay in this 1-bedroom high rise with Sean for years just to
avoid doing it again. But looking through photos, I appreciate a hidden benefit
of moving: my sheer variety of life experience. For example, I regretted giving
up my cozy, personalized cabin to move to into a cramped house in Akron. However, if I
hadn’t moved in with Carrie, I would have never built the close friendship that
I now enjoy with her. I also wouldn’t have learned life lessons like how to
share a tight space, let go of little things, and live with frustrations while
still remaining friends. Also, I would never have had such an intimate
relationship with the Cuyahoga
Valley, which I now see
for the beautiful gem that it is.
I think, on a deeper level, these frequent changes have
yielded another lesson: carpe diem. It
is true: time passes, things fade away, and it’s totally up to me to decide how
deeply I fall in love with each experience. Painful regrets have been
worthwhile if only for teaching me to go deeper into every friendship, every
situation I am blessed to visit in my life. Take those risks and find those
hidden jewels in each community, from the jaded rustbelt of Akron,
OH to the shiny new metropolis of Toronto, ON.
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